Jihlava – Amsterdam: Exchange on Science 2.0: Focus on Science
Název projektu:
Jihlava – Amsterdam: Exchange on Science 2.0: Focus on Science
Registrační číslo projektu:
Doba realizace projektu:
1. 9. 2017 – 31. 8. 2019
Partnerské školy:
Gymnázium Jihlava:
Cygnus Gymnasium v Amsterdamu:
Zapojení učitelé:
Gymnázium Jihlava:
Mgr. Iveta Nečadová: kontaktní osoba, Mgr. Lenka Fasorová, Mgr. Milan Svoboda, Mgr. Milan Taláček
Gymnasium Cygnus:
Chris van Bree, Grignion van Montfoort, Carlos Caballero, Marit Olsthoorn, Clementine Timmerman
Komunikační jazyk:
Stručný obsah projektu:
The main topic of the project is water. We will look at water from 3 different angles: 1. Water as an object of our scientific research: Students will explore how kinds of water differ. Students will compare the chemical composition of water samples from the sea, ponds, rivers and dykes. These water samples will also be explored from a biological point of view. Students will use their knowledge from geography and information technology when working on the tasks too. The students will compare water samples from both countries, draw conclusions from the obtained data and. discuss their results. 2. Water as an important part of everyday life: Students will learn how people manage water, save water and how drinkable water is gained. Students will compare ways of water treatment in both countries. 3. Water as an inspiration: Many artists were inspired by water. Students will together create a model with a water area where water is part of a relaxational and educational place. Students will use knowledge obtained from the project work and they will transform it into a model with educational information. Students of both schools in the Czech Republic and the Netherlands will be in touch during the whole project time. They will investigate a range of collaborative tasks.
Školní rok 2017/2018
Realizace projektu ve školním roce 2017/2018
říjen 2017
1. ne – 7. so: studenti z Amsterdamu v Jihlavě
duben 2018
20. pá – 27. pá: studenti z Jihlavy v Amsterdamu
Pondělí patřilo projektové a badatelské výuce na Cygnus Gymnasium.
Středeční pobyt v ekocentru Hei- en Boeicop znamenal spoustu práce, ale zároveň uspokojení z dobrého výsledku.
Školní rok 2018/2019
Realizace projektu ve školním roce 2018/2019
- listopad 2018
26. po – 29. čt: projektové setkání v Amsterdamu