Our liquid assets: making every drop count

Název projektu:

Our liquid assets: making every drop count


Erasmus+, školní vzdělávání, Klíčová akce 2, Projekty spolupráce

Registrační číslo projektu:


Doba realizace projektu:

1. 12. 2016 – 30. 11. 2018

Partnerské školy:

Thomas Deacon Academy, Peterborough

Gymnázium Jihlava

Zapojení učitelé:

Tomas Deacon Academy:

Gymnázium Jihlava: Mgr. Iveta Nečadová: kontaktní osoba, Mgr. Lenka Fasorová, Mgr. Milan Svoboda

Komunikační jazyk:


Stručný obsah projektu:

Our liquid assets: making every drop count is a scientific project based on comparisons of water ecosystems. The project will run for two years with partner school Thomas Deacon Academy, Petersborough, UK.

Students will study drinking water, the procedure of waste water treatment and water consumption, making comparisons throughout recording their hypothesis and learning in lab diaries.

Both schools will run a preparation course for their students to plan and set project tasks. Students will be required to present their work throughout the project. Details of transnational exchange visits and progress made throughout the project will be recorded on the project website.

Realizace projektu

Ve školním roce 2016/2017

Ve školním roce 2017/2018